Display Sort Options for Performance and Anytime Documents

You see the performance and anytime documents on the employee's spotlight page in an order determined by the sort field.

The default is date, with the latest displaying first, to the oldest displaying last. You can change the default sort order to any of these options:

  • Date - Latest to Oldest (default)
  • Date - Oldest to Latest
  • Name - A to Z
  • Name - Z to A

When you sort by name, use a naming convention for the performance documents that makes annual documents appear at the top of the page. If the Sort By field isn't displaying to users, then you can make it visible using HCM Experience Design Studio.

Before you start

Sign in to the application as Human Capital Management Application Administrator with Access HCM Page Configurator (HRC_ACCESS_HCM_TRANSACTION_CONFIURATOR_PRIV) privilege. This privilege provides you access to TDS in HCM Experience Design Studio.

Here's what to do

  1. Enable a sandbox and then edit your page at the site level.
  2. Go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > HCM Experience Design Studio.
  3. From the Actions list, select Performance Management.
  4. Click Add in the Rules section.
  5. Enter the name and description in the Basic Details section. Select the Active check box to make the rule ready to use.
  6. In the Page Attributes section, select Performance and Anytime Documents List.
  7. Set the Sort By attribute to Visible.
  8. Click Save and Close.
  9. Go to the employee's performance spotlight page, and view the sort options.