How You Use Eligibility Profiles with Performance Documents

You can use eligibility profiles to restrict availability of performance documents to a specific population based on criteria you set up.

If you don't associate eligibility profiles with a performance document, the document can be created for everyone in the organization.

This figure shows the steps required to set up and use eligibility profiles for performance documents.

This figure is a flow chart that shows the steps required to set up eligibility profiles for performance documents, run them, and create eligible performance documents. The implementor or HR administrator creates eligibility profiles and associates them with performance templates. They then run the eligibility batch process to determine which documents workers are eligible to access. The HR specialist creates the performance document.

Creating Eligibility Profiles

You create eligibility profiles to match the business requirements for your performance evaluation business process. For example, you can create eligibility profiles to evaluate workers in a specific department, job, location, or other criteria. You can also combine criteria. For example, you can create a performance document to evaluate every person in the Sales department who's a manager level 3 and located in California. You can either create one eligibility profile with those three criteria, or create three separate profiles with each criterion. You create eligibility profiles using the Eligibility Profiles task in the Setup Maintenance work area.

When creating an eligibility profile for performance documents, you can select any profile usage. However, because eligibility for a performance document is determined by assignment, you must select Specific assignment as the assignment to use. Specific assignment is automatically selected if you first select Performance as the profile usage. Then, when the eligibility process is run, it evaluates every assignment for a worker to determine which, if any, performance documents the worker is eligible to use for each assignment.

Associating Eligibility Profiles with Performance Templates

You select eligibility profiles to associate with performance templates at the template level and for performance document periods. When you select eligibility profiles, the performance documents made from the template are available only to the workers who meet the criteria.

You can associate eligibility profiles for any profile usage to a performance template. However, only those with the assignment set to Specific assignment are available to associate with performance templates.

Eligibility profiles can either be required, or not required, and can be used in combination so that workers must match some or all criteria.

Running the Eligibility Process

To determine which workers are eligible for performance documents that use eligibility profiles, you must run the eligibility process. You can run a batch process to analyze a large worker population to determine who's eligible for performance documents based on the parameters you enter. To run the batch process, use the Eligibility Batch Process task in the Setup Maintenance work area.

Accessing the Performance Documents

HR Specialists are responsible for creating standard performance documents for employees.

When performance documents are created, they show to employees on Me > Career and Performance > Performance. Managers can view and process the performance documents they manage on My Team > Evaluate Performance. The Goals and Performance Overview page also shows a summary of the performance documents for their direct or indirect reports, including performance documents managed by someone else such as a matrix manager.

Employees, managers and HR Specialists can create anytime documents from the employees Performance page. Managers can also create them from the Goals and Performance Overview page. HR Specialists can also create them from the administration page Performance Documents.

If a performance document is created for an employee and the eligibility process is run again, but now the worker is ineligible, it doesn't delete the created performance document and it can continue to be accessed.

However, if a performance document wasn't created and the eligibility process is run again, making the worker no longer eligible for the document, that document can't be created for the employee whether a standard or anytime document.