How You Add a New Development Goal Condition in the Ruleset

Apart from the basic conditions for development goal approvals that are included in the Development Goal Manual Approval Rule, you can add additional conditions by building expressions using payload attributes of development goals.

You need to add the condition to both the manual and autoapproval rules and ensure that the rules complement each other. Do remember that the condition added in the autoapproval rule needs to be the inverse of the condition added to the manual approval rule.

You also need to ensure that Bypass Approvals is disabled for the Approve Development Goal task. Only then any rule configuration you make is applied.

Let's assume that your organization wants to enable manual approval when development goal measurements are updated. To achieve this, as administrators you need to do these tasks:

  1. Configure rules for the Approve Development Goal task. For more information on how to do this, refer to the Configure Rules for the Approve Development Goal Task topic in this guide.

  2. Disable automatic approval for updates to development goal measurements.

  3. Enable manual approval for updates to development goal measurements.

  4. Save and submit your changes.