Clean Up and Re-Activate Profile Section DFF and Profile Item Attribute Category Data

Descriptive flexfield context is automatically created and enabled when a new content section is created from UI or through REST service.

As a convenience to you and for optimal performance when loading Skills and Qualifications page or Talent Ratings page, the descriptive flexfield contexts are created with disabled status when a new content section is created from UI or through REST service.

These descriptive flexfield contexts need to be enabled and deployed before they can be used and the Sync Talent Profile Data ESS Job needs to be run to sync-up the existing profile items data.

Perform the steps mentioned below for each scenario:

  • When a new content section is created

    Manually enable the content section descriptive flexfield context, and ensure that at least one descriptive flexfield contextual segment is enabled under it. Then, deploy.

  • When descriptive flexfield context is configured for an existing active content section

    Manually enable the content section descriptive flexfield context. Deploy and run the Sync Talent Profile Data ESS job.

  • When a content section is disabled

    Run the Sync Talent Profile Data ESS job.

  • When a content section is reactivated

    Manually enable the content section descriptive flexfield context and ensure that at least one descriptive flexfield contextual segment is enabled under it. Deploy and run the Sync Talent Profile Data ESS job.

Note: Configure auto-complete rules using attribute context only when descriptive flexfield segments are specified for the content sections. If no descriptive flexfield segments are defined, use the section name for configuration. The list of section names is always presented in English, regardless of the session language.

The ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY column in HRT_PROFILE_IEMS table gets populated only if the following conditions are met:

  • The content section is active.

  • Descriptive flexfield context pertaining to the content section is enabled.

  • Descriptive flexfield context pertaining to the content section is configured with at least one enabled contextual segment.

  • Descriptive flexfield is re-deployed after above configuration.

For more details on descriptive flexfield, see MOS Document - In order to ensure better performance of Redwood pages, it is recommended to run the Sync Talent Profile Data ESS job if you have migrated from responsive pages.

Note: Descriptive flexfields in a content section are not considered for audit.