Change the Weight of a Goal Plan in a Goal Plan Set

HR specialists can change the weights of goal plans included in a goal plan set for a worker.

To change the weight of a performance goal plan included in a goal plan set for a worker, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Goals. The administrator Goals page appears.

  2. Select the Worker Goal Plan Sets link.

  3. Search for the goal plan set associated with the worker.

  4. Click the link to the goal plan set in the Search Results table.

  5. Select the row for the goal plan set in the workers goal plan set page.

  6. From the Actions menu, select Change Goal Plans Weight. The dialog box with the name of the goal plan set appears.

  7. Update the weight for the goal plan and click OK to close the dialog box. The updated weight of the goal plan appears in the page table.

    Note: The goal plan set enforces the sum of weights of the included goal plans to total 100. Therefore, adjust the weight of remaining goal plans in the set such that their sum is 100. If there is only one goal plan in the set, the weight of that goal plan must be 100.
  8. Click Done to return to the administrator Goals page.