Goal Library

The goal library is a repository of reusable goals that you create and maintain to manage the enterprise goal-setting process efficiently. HR specialists create these library goals. Users can add these library goals in the Goal Management, Performance Management, and Talent Review work areas.

Use the goal library to define goals consistently and reduce the effort of creating a new goal if similar goals already exist. The goal library is part of the content library of Talent Profiles. Organization owners, managers, and workers can search the goal library to copy the goals. Managers and HR specialists can assign library goals through goal plans in the Goal Management work area, to a selected population. HR specialists can also select library goals while mass assigning goals. To add goals from the goal library, organization owners, managers, and workers can search for goals using different criteria such as goal name, and category.

Note: In the drill-down mode, you can also search a library goal by legal employer, business unit, department, job family, and goal subtype. Your administrator needs to configure the search parameters to include these values. An administrator can use these filter attributes to configure the library goal search in the drill-down mode:

To search for goals in the goal library, your role needs to have the Use REST Service - Performance Goals List of Values function security privilege.

HR specialists and administrators can use the Performance Goal Library link on the administrators Goals page to add a performance goal to the goal library.

Caution: To manage the goal library, go to My Client Groups > Goals. Don't use the Goal Library task in the Functional Setup Manager.

On the Performance Goal Library page, HR specialists and administrators can do these tasks:

  • Add library goals.

  • Edit library goals.

  • Search for goal libraries by using filters such as Status, Available To, Legal Employer, Business Unit, Department, and Job Family.

    Tip: You can add other search filter attributes such as Priority, Level, Subtype, Start Date, Target Completion Date, and External ID to your search by using the Personalize Filters icon.
  • Edit library goal translations in the supported languages by using the Edit Goal Translation Actions menu item.

  • Delete an existing library goal that isn't used anywhere.

Set the Library Goal Status

When the status of a goal is Active, it's available to copy. You can set the status of a goal to Inactive, even if workers have copied the goal and are currently using it. If you change the status of the goal to inactive, then it's no longer available for copying. You can make the goal inactive, for example, to edit it, then restore it to Active status to make the edited goal available again.

Decide Who Can Access the Library Goal

When you edit or add a library goal, you select whether to make the goal available to a role. By default, all roles have access to the goal. You can decide whether to give access to the goal only to HR specialists, or also include managers and workers.