Manage Performance Goals Scheduled Processes

The process of assigning performance goals using goal plan sets, goal plans, and mass assignment requests is an Enterprise Scheduler Service process. HR specialists submit and run the process on the Manage Goal Scheduled Process page.

Managing Scheduled Processes

Follow these steps:

  1. Use one of these methods to open the schedule process page.

    • Go to Tools > Scheduled Processes. Search for and select the Manage Goal Scheduled Process process.
    • Click the Scheduled Process for Performance Goals link on the administrator Goals landing page.
  2. Search for and select a process name.

  3. Run the process as soon as possible or at a scheduled time.

    Note: By default, the process runs as soon as possible if you submit the process without selecting a schedule.
  4. Click Advanced and on the Scheduled tab, select Using a schedule to specify a date and time when you want the process to run. Or set up a recurring schedule for the process to run at the selected frequency.

After the process completes, the application assigns performance goals, goal plans, and goal plan sets as included in the request to all workers selected in the request.