Manage Your Goals

This example shows how to track your goals progress, edit details of an existing goal, view goal alignment within your organization, and share a goal with your direct reports.

The following table summarizes key decisions for this scenario.

Decisions to Consider

This Example

Which review period is associated with my goals?

2020 Annual Cycle

Which goal plan is associated with the review period that includes my goals?

2020 Performance Goals

What are the goals assigned to me?

You're assigned these goals:

  • Developing the team

  • Increase Shareholder Value

  • Bring Customer Satisfaction Levels to 90%

  • Complete Business Ethics Course

Is drill-down mode enabled?


Summary of the Tasks

Do these tasks to manage your goals:

  1. View your goals

  2. Edit details of an existing goal

  3. View the goal alignment details

  4. Share the goal

View Your Goals

  1. Click Me > Career and Performance > Goals.

  2. From the review periods list on the Goals page, select 2020 Annual Cycle.

  3. From the Goal Plan list, select 2020 Performance Goals. On the Goals page, you can view and update the priority, weight, and your progress for each goal included in this goal plan.

Edit Your Goals

In the drill-down mode, click the goal name to edit goals that you're assigned.
  1. To edit your goal Bring Customer Satisfaction Levels to 90%, on the Goals page, click the goal name. On the goal page, you can view goal details such as its name, start date, description, and success criteria. If enabled, you can also view measurements, target outcomes, and tasks for the goal.

  2. In the Basic Info section, click Edit. This table shows the properties of the goal that you need to edit.




    Customer satisfaction




    Improve overall customer satisfaction to 90% based on customer surveys during the evaluation period.

  3. Click Save to save changes to the goal.

View Goal Alignment

If a goal is aligned to other goals or other goals are aligned to the goal, you can view the goal alignment details. You can see these details in the Alignment section of the goal page.
  1. On the Goals page, click the goal name Developing the team.

  2. Expand the Alignment section. You can view goals that the Developing the team goal is aligned to and goals that are aligned to this goal.

Share Your Goals

You can share your goals.
  1. On your Goals page, select the goals that you want to share.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Share.

  3. On the Share Goals page, ensure that the Share tasks check box is selected.

  4. In the Share Goals With section, you can select whom to share the goal with.

    • As a manager, to share the selected goals with the whole team, select the check box before the Add Worker list.

    • If you don't want to share with some reports, clear the check box before their names.

    • To share with specific people, search and select the person from the Add Worker list.

  5. Click Save and Close. The goal is shared with selected workers. The workers can view the shared goals in the Goals Shared with Me section of their Goals page.

  6. You can view details of whom you have shared the goal with in the Shared With section of the goal page.