Check-In Documents

Performance check-ins are a simple way of tracking regular conversations between managers and employees about their work and goals throughout the year.

Check-ins can take place as frequently as your organization recommends.

Check-in documents can contain questionnaires, general topics, or performance and development goals, based on the template configuration, which can be updated with notes from the manager or employee. Employees can create their own check-in documents to discuss with their managers, or managers can create check-in documents for their reports, depending on the organizational requirement.

Check-in documents don't have defined tasks assigned to the manager and employee. The check-in documents remain open, and you can update them at any time.

You create a check-in document based on a check-in template and for a specific review period. Depending on the check-in template you use, performance and development goals might be defaulted as discussion topics in the check-in document. When you update a check-in document, like add or delete a note or discussion topic for example, the application sends notifications to the employee or manager, if notifications are enabled. To enable check-in related notifications using Alerts Composer, see Related Topics.

Adding Goals as Discussion Topics

Employees' performance and development goals can be defaulted or manually added as discussion topics in a check-in document.

If you cancel a performance goal or make a development goal inactive after adding it as a discussion topic in a check-in document, the existing discussion topic isn't affected. But you can't add the canceled performance goals or inactive development goals as new discussion topics in other check-in documents.

Note: Using HCM Data Loader, HR specialists can add discussion topics to check-in documents for multiple employees.

Create a Check-In Document

As an employee, you can create a check-in document in any of these ways:

  • Go to Quick Actions > Personal Details, open the More Information menu (shown as three dots) from your profile picture, and select Add Check-In Document.

  • Go to Quick Actions > Show More > Career and Performance > Add Check-In Document.

  • Go to Me > Career and Performance > Performance, select the review period, and click Add in the Check-Ins section.

Employees can create check-in documents for their line manager or matrix manager if they have the Manage Check-in Document privilege.

As a manager, you can create a check-in document in any of these ways:

  • Go to My Team > My Team and select the employee. Click Show More > Performance. Select a review period, and then click Add from the Check-Ins section.

  • Go to the Goals and Performance Overview page from My Team. Select a review period,and then open the Actions menu (shown as three dots) next to the employee's name and then select Add Check-In Document.

Managers and matrix managers can create check-in documents for their reports if they have the Manage Check-in Document privilege.

Here's an example of how to create a check-in document for your employee:

  1. When creating a check-in in the Details section, add or review these details:

    Field Name


    Review Period

    This appears preselected in some cases and isn't editable.


    Select from a list of predefined templates. For example, Check-In 1:1, Monthly Check-In, Quarterly Check-In. When you select a template, you can preview the sections configured in it, such as questionnaires or discussion topics, if any.


    The default value is the template name appended by current date, but you can edit it as required.


    The default value is your current line manager, but you can select other managers if you have them.


    The default value is the current date.

  2. Click Save.

  3. If there's a questionnaire by your name, open it by clicking the arrow and click Edit.

  4. Enter your responses in the questionnaire and click Save.

  5. Depending on how the check-in template is organized, you might have other areas to complete. For example, if there's a section called General Discussion Topics and you want to enter the details, click Add in the section.

  6. Enter the discussion topic title and enter associated notes, if required, and click Save.

Tip: You can add a note to a discussion topic at the time of creating it or later. To add it later, open the check-in document, click the discussion topic title, and then click Add from the Notes section. Enter the notes and click Save.
Note: Using HCM Data Loader, HR specialists can create check-in documents for multiple employees at the same time.

Edit a Check-In Document

An employee or a check-in document manager can edit these in a check-in document:

  • Document name

  • Check-in date

  • Questionnaire responses

  • Performance or development goal details (such as basic info, measurements, and tasks), if the goal or development plan configuration allows them to do so

  • Notes associated with a performance or development goal discussion topic

  • General discussion topics, if included

A manager can only see the check-ins if they're the named check-in manager. If they have the View Check-in Document privilege, they can see all the check-ins for the employees they have access to.

An HR specialist can edit these in a check-in document, if they have the Manage Check-in Document privilege:

  • Review period

  • Document name

  • Check-in date

  • Check-in manager (if there are no notes added to discussion topics or no questionnaire responses provided)

  • Performance or development goal details (such as basic info, measurements, and tasks), if the goal or development plan configuration allows them to do so

  • Notes associated with a performance or development goal discussion topic

  • General discussion topics, if included

Delete a Check-In Document

If you're an employee or manager with the Manage Check-in Document privilege, you can delete these:

  • A check-in document (if it contains questionnaire responses or discussion topic notes created only by you)

  • A discussion topic (if it contains notes created only by you)

  • Notes for a goal discussion topic (if you created it)

The HR specialist with the Manage Check-in Document privilege can delete any check-in document, discussion topic, or note, regardless of who created them.

Note: Using HCM Data Loader, HR specialists can delete check-in documents for multiple employees at the same time.