Examples of Using Eligibility Profiles with Performance Documents

With eligibility profiles, you can use performance documents to evaluate a specific population of workers. These scenarios illustrate how human resource (HR) administrators can create eligibility profiles and run the eligibility process to make the documents available to workers and managers.

Create Eligibility Profiles and Run a Batch Process for an Organization

The organization wants to create a performance document to compare how the sales force performs across all departments in the US. The HR administrator creates an eligibility profile, called US Sales Team, and selects Performance for the profile usage. The assignment to use value automatically becomes Specific assignment. The HR administrator selects these criteria for all active workers:

  • Active, not on leave

  • Located in the US

  • Employed in the Sales job family

The HR administrator or implementor completes these steps:

  1. Create a performance template, with a performance document period for the current evaluation period named US Sales Annual Evaluation.

  2. Add the US Sales Team eligibility profile to the document period.

  3. Run the eligibility batch process to find all eligible salespeople to make the US Sales Annual Evaluation performance document available to them and their managers to start the evaluations.

You run the eligibility batch process using the Eligibility Batch Process task in the Setup Maintenance area.

Remember that the Performance Eligibility responsive page doesn't run the eligibility batch process and you can only change eligibility that's been processed. So make sure you run the process for a performance document before you try and make any changes to an employee's eligibility using the Performance Eligibility page.

Check Eligibility when a Worker Transfers to an Organization

You hire a new worker, Lee Smith, in the Sales department under a manager, John Hing, after the batch process is run and performance documents are created for the Sales team. Lee isn't initially eligible for the US Sales Annual Evaluation period document, but should be, since he joined Sales midway through the evaluation period.

As an HR administrator, complete these steps to create his performance document:

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Performance, scroll down to the Setup Maintenance section, and click Eligibility Batch Process.

  2. Run the process for the US Sales Annual Evaluation performance document.

If the performance document isn't created for Lee Smith, then follow these steps to see why he's not eligible:

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Performance, and click Performance Eligibility in the Administration section.

  2. Search for Lee Smith and select his name.

  3. Click Check Eligibility located in the page header.

  4. Change the effective date and review period, as required.

  5. Select the US Sales Annual Evaluation performance document. Lee Smith's eligibility status appears in the Result area. If he's eligible, then he and his manager John can access the performance document when it's created and begin the evaluation.

Force Eligibility when a Worker Transfers from another Organization

Taylor Wong transfers from the US Sales department to the Hong Kong Sales department midway through the period covered by the US Sales Annual Evaluation performance document. The HR administrator has run the batch eligibility process for the last time after Taylor transferred, making Taylor ineligible to use the US Sales Annual Evaluation performance document. However, the organization process requires that Taylor be evaluated using performance documents for both his old and new locations.

The HR administrator completes these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Performance Document Eligibility page, search and select Taylor Wong.

  2. On the Performance Document Eligibility page, click Add, select the US Sales Annual Evaluation performance documents, and specify to force it eligible.

Even though Taylor no longer meets the eligibility criteria, he and his new manager can access the performance document to perform the evaluation.