How You Change Due Dates in Performance Document

As an HR specialist can change the due date of any task in the performance document.

Based on the number of performance documents you want to update, use these options:

  • Use the Change Due Date option in the Actions menu on the Performance Documents page: This allows you to change the due dates for a maximum of 200 selected performance documents.
  • Use Change Task Due Dates action in the Process Mass Actions for Performance Documents task: This allows you to mass change the due dates by selecting the population and not individual performance documents.

After you select a performance document, you can enter a revised due date for any of the available tasks. You can then choose to preview the change and process later or submit the changes for processing immediately.

Here are some guidelines that you need to keep in mind when changing the due date for a performance document:
  • You can edit the due date of any task within a performance document that isn't completed or canceled.

  • You can search for any performance documents and workers to whom you have access.
  • You can't search for your own performance documents.
  • You can use the ORA_HRA_MASS_UPD_TASK_REASON lookup to list reasons that HR specialists can choose when changing the due date.