Synchronize Person Profile Competencies in Performance Documents

If competencies in an employee’s Talent person profile are missing from their performance document, you can run the Synchronize Person Profile Competencies in Performance Documents process to identify missing competencies and add them to employee's performance documents.

When HR specialists run the Synchronize Person Profile Competencies in Performance Documents ESS process to add missing competencies to the employee performance document, it’ll exclude adding duplicate competencies that already exist in other competency sections in the performance document. Performance documents are updated only if the Set Goals task and other evaluation tasks are incomplete.

  • Adds only competencies from the worker's talent profile that are missing from competency sections in the performance document populated using the person profile. Competency sections populated using a job, organization, or position profile aren't impacted.
  • Processes in progress performance documents where the Set Goals and evaluation tasks are incomplete.
  • Completed and Canceled performance documents aren't processed.
  • Recommended to schedule the process to run once a day to keep performance documents up to date.

If an employee performance document has multiple competency sections populated using different model profiles which both contain the same competency (for example, organization and job), then these duplicates will populate the performance document. Ensure your model profiles do not contain duplicate competencies to avoid these from populating performance documents.