View Performance Document and Check-In Template Eligibility

This topic includes the procedure to view an employee's eligibility for performance documents and check-in templates.

To view an employee’s eligibility for performance documents or check-in templates, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Show More > Talent > Performance Eligibility.
  2. Search for the employee whose eligibility you want to view.
  3. Click the employee's name in the search results.
    Note: The Performance Eligibility page displays all the performance documents and check-in templates that match the person's eligibility.
  4. (Optional) Click Check Eligibility to check for all performance documents and check-in templates listed.
  5. (Optional) Click Add in the Performance Eligibility section to force employee eligibility for a performance document they are ineligible for based on the eligibility batch process.
  6. (Optional) Click Add in the Check-In Template Eligibility to force employee eligibility for a check-in document they are ineligible for based on the eligibility batch process.
  7. (Optional) Click Edit to manually change the employee’s eligibility status. Options include:
    • Keep Eligible—Force employee to remain eligible for performance documents they may become ineligible for. This option is available only if the status is Eligible.
    • Force Eligible—Force employee eligibility for performance documents they are forced ineligible for. This option is available only if the status is Force Ineligible.
    • Force Ineligible—Force employee ineligibility for performance documents they may become eligible for. This option is available only if the status is Eligible or Forced.