Translate an Event

If you've enabled several languages for your event, you or an event member must translate the details of the event so that they display to users in those languages.

Event users can preview the translations using the Languages drop-down list on the preview section.

When the event is posted, candidates who have selected the same language on the career site as one of the event languages will see the event translated into the language of their choice. In addition, the check-in page for the event will also display in their preferred language. Upon registering for the event, the candidate's language preference is remembered and all subsequent event related notifications are sent in the candidate's preferred language.

Note: Translations for notifications must be entered using the Translation Editor on the Recruiting Content Library, so that event notifications can be sent in the candidate's preferred language.

Before you start

Be sure you've selected the appropriate languages while you were creating the event.

Here's what to do

  1. Open the Hiring work area.
  2. Click the Events tab.
  3. Locate the event and open it.
  4. Select Translate Event from the Actions menu.
    The languages you selected in the Event Information section while you were creating the event display on the Translate Event page.
  5. Click the Edit icon next to a language.
  6. Enter the event name, event long description, and event short description in that particular language.
  7. Click Save and Close.