Skills Advisor

Skills Advisor is an intelligent recommendation capability that provides personalized skills recommendations within various talent management business processes.

Skills Nexus enables Skills Advisor to recommend consistent, relevant skills based on a very limited set of input data. Skills Advisor shows you a set of relevant skill recommendations presented as a result of Skills Nexus accessing the customer skills inventory through two components of its deep learning engine. The first step involves passing the employee’s job title to the Job Title Normalizer, which matches the job title in the Talent Profile to a small set of normalized job titles. These titles have been established by analyzing a large body of both public domain and proprietary data. The normalized job titles are then passed to the Skills Inventory pipeline, which utilizes the Skills Inventory to categorize skills by job title and business domain to make the skills recommendations. This results in Skills section of the UI populated with the initial set of relevant skills.

Skills Advisor also has the ability to recognize the skills already present in a user profile or job description, and adjust its recommendations accordingly. This results in skill recommendations that are significantly more relevant and better targeted. For example, you might have the job title Senior Marketing Analyst, for which Skills Advisor might recommend Advertising, Collateral Development, and Market Research. But, if you already had added Market Research as one of your skills, the recommendations would likely be adjusted to include more research-related skills such as Competitive Analysis, Market Sizing, or Sales Forecasting.

Even though Skills Advisor shortlists relevant skills to help you expand your profile, you may not see all the skills you are looking for in those initial recommendations set. You can then search for the skill. When you begin typing, Skills Advisor dynamically presents job-relevant skills that match the characters typed, thus allowing you to tap into the thousands of skills available through Skills Nexus. Moreover, you can introduce new skills that are not part of the inventory. Skills Nexus uses Natural Language Processing capabilities to analyze new skills entered in this way for potential addition to its current taxonomy.

Additional sources for skills recommendations include utilizing Skills Advisor to identify similar employees and recommend skills they have, as well as recommending skills that have been identified by a manager or through other methods as being critical or required for the employee’s job or organization.