How You Bypass Approvals for Specific Performance Goal Subprocesses

As administrators, you can enable selective bypassing of approvals for performance goals in Transaction Console. You can do this without modifying either the existing autoapproval or manual approval rules of the performance goals rule set.

Your organization may want to commit some performance goal transactions immediately, but may want other transactions to go through the approval flow. For example, your organization may want to allow employees to manage their private goals without any approval, but may want managers to approve other transactions. You enable bypass approvals for the subprocesses that don't need manager's approval.

Performance Goal Subprocesses for Bypass

When you expand the Approve Performance Goal rule in the Approval Rules tab of Transaction Console, you can see these subprocesses that you can enable for bypassing approvals:

  • Add Shared Colleague Goal: Employee adds a goal that's shared by a colleague to their goal plan.

  • Add Shared Manager Goal: Employee adds a goal that's shared by their manager with them to their goal plan.

  • Add Shared Organization Goal: Employee adds a goal that's shared by an organization owner to their goal plan.

  • Goal Align Action: Employee aligns their goal to a manager's or colleague's goal. Or an organization owner shares a goal with their organization.

  • Goal Cancel Action: Employee cancels one or more of their goals.

  • Goal Copy Action: Employee copies one or more of their goals.

  • Goal Delete Action: Employee deletes one or more goals from their goal plan.

  • Goal Extend Action: Employee extends one or more goals to another goal plan.

  • Goal Move Action: Employee moves one or more goals to another goal plan.

  • Goal Share Action: Employee shares their goal.

  • Manage Goal Measurement: Employee adds, removes, or updates goal measurements.

  • Manage Goal Outcome: Employee adds, removes, or updates goal target outcomes.

  • Manage Goal Task: Employee adds, removes, or updates goal tasks.

  • Manage Organization Goals: Employee does any action such as add, update, delete, complete, cancel, move, or extend on a shared organization goal.

  • Manage Private Goals: Employee does any action such as add, update, copy, delete, complete, or cancel on a private goal.

Note: You can also see the Remaining Goal Actions subprocess. This is for the goal actions other than that listed earlier. But You can't enable or disable Bypass Approvals for this subprocess. This only reflects the Bypass Approvals setting of the parent Approve Performance Goal rule.

Configure Selective Bypass of Approvals for Performance Goal Subprocesses

Here's how you can selectively bypass approvals for some goal transactions:

  1. Go to Tools > Transaction Console.

  2. Click the Approval Rules tab.

  3. Search for and select the Approve Performance Goal rule.

  4. Expand the Approve Performance Goal rule.

  5. Enable Bypass Approvals for the subprocesses that you want to commit immediately.

Note: When you enable or disable Bypass Approvals for the parent Approve Performance Goal rule, Bypass Approvals is automatically enabled or disabled for all the subprocesses.

After You Bypass Subprocesses

When you enable Bypass Approvals for any of the subprocesses, the corresponding performance goal transaction is committed immediately. Users who did the subprocess action on the goals in a goal plan won't see the approval user messages on their Goal Plan page nor receive any notifications.

Goal transactions that were in the draft state and pending approval state will continue through the approval flow and ignore the new partial bypass setting.