How You Define Expiration Policies for Performance Goal Approvals

As administrators, you can set expiration policies for the approval work flow of performance goals.

Your organization may want approvers to act on approval requests for performance goals within a specific number of days. You can set a due date, expiration policy, or both:

  • If you set a due date, before the due date, the current assignee is reminded to take action. Even after the due date passes, the task doesn't expire. The assignee and any approvers after them, can still act on the task.

  • If you set expiration policies, the task can expire based on your settings. After the duration set in the expiration policy is reached, the goal plan is withdrawn from the approval flow. The goal plan is no longer locked. The user who submitted the goal plan changes can review the goal plan, update it, and resubmit the goal plan for approval.

Define Expiration Policies

You set up expiration policies in the Functional Setup Manager.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and select the Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Management task.

  2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for and select the ApprovePerformanceGoal task.

  3. Click the Edit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.

  4. Open the Deadlines subtab.

  5. Set a due date, if needed.

  6. Set the expiration policy:

    1. Expand the Expiration Settings section.

    2. To ensure that all approvals are done within a certain time frame, select Task Level.

    3. Enter a duration and optionally select the Exclude Saturday and Sunday check box.

    4. Leave the Expire only option selected.

  7. Click the Commit task icon in the Tasks to be configured toolbar.