Automatically Initiate a Candidate Duplicate Check

You can configure the candidate selection process to automatically initiate a candidate duplicate check.

You can configure the duplicate check at multiple points in the candidate selection process. When a job application reaches a specific state in a phase, the candidate duplicate check is automatically triggered. The recruiter or designated members of the Hiring Team are informed of duplicate check results. They receive a notification about the candidate and the number of duplicates found. They can click a link to see the duplicates. Candidates can be automatically progressed in the selection process based on duplicate check results.

Before you start

Users need these privileges to click the link in the Automated Duplicate Check Notification to see the duplicates:
  • Access to Hiring as Manager (IRC_ACCESS_TO_HIRING_AS_MANAGER) or Access to Hiring as Recruiter (IRC_ACCESS_TO_HIRING_AS_RECRUITER)
  • Perform Candidate Duplicate Check and Merge (IRC_PERFORM_CANDIDATE_DUPLICATE_CHECK_AND_MERGE)

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
    • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  2. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, click a process.
  3. On the process page, click a phase.
  4. In the States for Phase section, select a state, then select the Initiate Candidate Duplicate Check action in the Actions menu. The action is triggered when job applications are moved to the specified state.
  5. You can select members of the hiring team who will receive candidate duplicate check results such as the recruiter, hiring manager, or other designated members.
  6. You can select an email notification template. A notification template is available in the Recruiting Content Library: Automated Duplicate Check Notification. The notification contains info about the candidate and the number of duplicates found. The recipient can click a link to see the duplicates.
  7. You can set the threshold "Minimum Match Score to Send Notification" for receiving a notification. The notification will be sent to the recipients only when the duplicate check match score is equal to or greater then the set threshold.
  8. Click Save and Close.