Candidate Interview Notifications

Notifications are sent to different stakeholders during the candidate interview process.

The following notifications are sent to candidates. They're available in the Recruiting Content Library. You can use them as is, configure them, or create new ones.

  • Interview Canceled Notification

  • Interview Reminder Notification

  • Interview Reschedule Notification

  • Interview Scheduled Notification

  • Interview Updated Notification

  • Invite to Schedule Interview Notification

The following notifications are sent to recruiters and hiring managers. They're available in Alerts Composer. You can use them as is or configure them.

  • Interview Canceled Notification to Interviewer (IRC_Intrv_Canceled_Interviewer): Notification sent to the interviewer when an interview has been canceled.

  • Interview Canceled Notification to Requisition Owners (IRC_Intrv_Canceled_ReqOwners): Notification sent to the recruiter and hiring manager when an interview has been canceled.

  • Interview Reminder Notification to Interviewer (IRC_Intrv_Reminder_Interviewer): Notification sent to the interviewer when a scheduled interview is occurring soon.

  • Interview Scheduled Notification to Interviewer (IRC_Intrv_Scheduled_Interviewer): Notification sent to the interviewer when an interview has been scheduled.

  • Interview Scheduled Notification to Requisition Owners (IRC_Intrv_Scheduled_ReqOwners): Notification sent to the recruiter and hiring manager when an interview has been scheduled.

  • Interview Updated Notification to Interviewer (IRC_Intrv_Updated_Interviewer): Notification sent to the interviewer when an interview has been rescheduled or updated.

  • Interview Updated Notification to Requisition Owners (IRC_Intrv_Updated_ReqOwners): Notification sent to the recruiter and hiring manager when an interview has been rescheduled or updated.

  • Interview Schedule With Low Number of Available Openings (IRC_Intrv_Schedule_Low_Openings): Notification for when there's a low number of available interview openings for a candidate-managed interview schedule used on a job requisition.

  • Interview Schedule With No Available Openings (IRC_Intrv_Schedule_No_Openings): Notification for when there are no available interview openings for a candidate-managed interview schedule used on a job requisition.

  • Interviewer Removed Notification to Interviewer (IRC_Intrv_Removed_Interviewer): Notification sent to the interviewer when the interviewer is removed from a scheduled interview and when a candidate is invited to reschedule an interview (candidate managed schedule) and the candidate selects a new interview slot which has different interviewers than the initial slot.
Warning: It’s recommended to not change the recipient token ${InterviewerUserName} in notifications sent to requisition owners (recruiters and hiring managers). Despite the token referring to the interviewer, the notification does go to different recipients as explained in each notification description. Changing the recipient could result in unintended outcomes, like recipients getting duplicated notifications.

The scheduled process that needs to run for the reminder notifications to be sent is Send Interview Reminder Notification.