Collect Candidate Referral Information Using Flexfields

You can create flexfields to allow recruiters, agency users, and employees to enter additional information while referring a candidate to a job.

When flexfields are configured:

  • Recruiting users can view the flexfields in prospect records and job applications in a section called Referral Additional Info. Recruiting users can update referral additional information of a prospect or job application if they have the privilege Update Referral Additional Information (IRC_UPDATE_REFERRAL_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION). The Edit icon is available next to the Referral Additional Info section.

  • In the agency portal, when agents select the action Submit with Additional Info, they can see the flexfields in the Referral Info section and provide info in these fields.

  • Employees who refer employees or candidates for a job can view the flexfields in the Referral Info section (Me > Current Jobs > Referrals).

To enable this feature, you need to create referral flexfields, then use these flexfields to create rules.

Create Referral Flexfields

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Source Candidates

    • Task: Referral Descriptive Flexfields

  2. In the Referral Descriptive Flexfields page, click the Edit icon.

    Note: When you're in the Referral Descriptive Flexfields page, the display type is set to Hidden. It's recommended not to change it.
  3. Click Manage Contexts.

  4. In the Manage Contexts page, enter %REFERRAL in the Context Code field and click Search.

  5. In the Search Results section, you will see the two seeded contexts: Agency Referral and Employee Referral.

  6. Select a seeded context and click the Edit icon.

  7. In the Edit Context page, create context sensitive segments.

  8. Click Save and Close.

Create Rules

By default, flexfields are hidden. To display them, you need to go in Transaction Design Studio and create a rule for these actions:

  • Recruiting - Refer an Employee

  • Recruiting - Refer a Candidate

  • Recruiting - Referred Candidates by Agency

  • Recruiting - Submit Candidates by Agency

Here's how to create a rule for the Refer an Employee action.

  1. Activate a sandbox and page editing at the Site layer in Settings and Actions Menu > Edit Pages > Activate a sandbox.

  2. On your Home page, go to My Client Groups > Quick Actions > HCM Experience Design Studio.

  3. Click the Transaction Design Studio tab.

  4. Select the action Recruiting - Refer an Employee.

  5. Click Add to create and configure a rule to display certain fields.

  6. In the Basic Details section, enter the name, description, legal employer, and recruiting type.

  7. In the Page Attributes section, set the Referral Descriptive Flexfield to visible.

  8. Click the Edit icon if you want to further configure the flexfield.

  9. Click Save and Close.