Configure Hiring Team Notifications

You can create hiring team notification templates to be sent to specific Hiring Team members to inform them of actions they need to take on job requisitions, job applications, or job offers.

To send these notifications, recruiting users use the Send Message to Team action.

Before you enable this feature, consider whether you need more granular collaborator types on your job requisition and job offer hiring teams. You can configure Hiring team notification templates to be sent to specific Hiring Team members. So, you should define all hiring team collaborator types before creating notification templates.

You also need to consider whether your organization will use hiring team notification templates. The Send Message to Team action doesn't require the use of templates but templates do save time and are especially convenient when the same messages are sent frequently across job requisitions, job applications, and job offers.

Here's what to do

  1. Create Collaborator Types

  2. Create Hiring Team Notification Templates

Create Collaborator Types

If you want to use hiring team collaborator types, you need to define them prior to creating notification templates. By default, this collaborator type is available: Collaborator To define new collaborator types:

By default, this collaborator type is available: Collaborator

To define new collaborator types:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the task Manage Common Lookups.

  2. Click the task name.

  3. Search for the lookup type ORA_IRC_COLLABORATOR_RESP_TYPE.

  4. Create lookups as required. Lookup codes should not begin with the prefix "ORA".

It's not recommended to disable the seeded Collaborator look up because this lookup is used by any existing requisition and job offer hiring teams where collaborators have been defined.

It's recommended to include the lookup code in the collaborator type tokens so that users can easily select the correct token when managing notification templates and sending messages to the hiring team. For example, the lookup code defined was INTERVIEW_TEAM then the tokens available in the notification would be Requisition_INTERVIEW_TEAM_DisplayNameList and Offer_INTERVIEW_TEAM_DisplayNameList.

Create Hiring Team Notification Templates

You can create and manage a library of hiring team notification templates, which can be sent in the context of job requisitions or job applications.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:

    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience

    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management

    • Task: Recruiting Content Library

  2. On the Recruiting Content Library page, click Create.

  3. In the Content Item Details section, enter the following information:

    • Name
    • Code
    • Category: Select Hiring Team Notification.
    • Visibility: A content item can be used for internal postings, external postings, or both.
  4. In the Context Information section, you can contextualize the message with job requisition attributes including recruiting type, organization, location, job family, and job function. This ensures users are using the right templates for the requisition. You can also select default recipients such as Collaborator, Hiring Manager, and Recruiter.
  5. In the Version Details section, enter the date and time when the notification is available for use. If you want the content item to be available as soon as it's activated, select the Start on Activation option.

  6. Enter the subject and text for the message. Rich text features are available to format the text.

  7. Click Save and Activate.