Create a Geography Hierarchy

You create a geography hierarchy to ease the selection of the appropriate locations when hiring managers and recruiters create job requisitions.

Before you start

As a best practice, only add locations where your company has physical offices. This will help hiring managers and recruiters find the appropriate locations. It will also prevent performance issues.

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Recruiting and Candidate Experience Management
    • Task: Geography Hierarchies
  2. On the Geography Hierarchies page, click the Create icon.
  3. On the Create Geography Hierarchy, provide a name for the geography hierarchy.
  4. Enter the start date when the geography hierarchy will be available for use.
    If you select the option Start on Activation, the geography hierarchy becomes available as soon as it's made active.
  5. To add a country to the geography hierarchy:
    1. In the Geography Hierarchy section, click the Plus icon.
    2. In the Add Country window, search for the country you want to add, select it, and add it to the list of selected countries using the arrow.
    3. Click OK.
    You can select many countries at once by selecting a country and holding the Shift or Ctrl key while you select other countries.
  6. To add geographies to a country:
    1. In the Geography Hierarchy section, select the country and click the Add Sublevels button.
    2. In the Add Sublevels window, search for the geography you want to add, select it, and add it to the list of selected items using the arrow.
    3. Click OK.
    You can select many geographies at once by selecting the geography name and holding the Shift or Ctrl key while you select other geographies. Use the Show filter to filter down the list of geographies to only show Level 1 or Level 2 geographies.
  7. Click Save as Draft or Save and Activate.