Default Summary View in Grid View

This table lists the columns and fields displayed in the Summary view of the grid view. The Summary view is the default view for all users. Columns will vary depending on where the grid view is used.

Column Field Compound Field Content

Candidate Name

Candidate Number

Candidate Location

Candidate Email Address: When you click the email address, it opens the email automatically. You need the privilege View Person Email for Recruiting Data (IRC_VIEW_ PERSON_EMAIL_FOR_RECRUITING_DATA) to view the field.

Candidate Phone Number: You need the privilege View Person Phone for Recruiting Data (IRC_VIEW_PERSON_PHONE_FOR_RECRUITING_DATA) to view the field.

Person Number: For external candidates, the person number is created during the HR phase. If the person number isn't yet available, a blank value appears on the grid view. For internal candidates, the person number is always shown.


Resume (preview link)

Qualifier icons


Displays the job application status, or the pool status.

Education Recent Education (up to 3 most recent entries) Degree, School, Year Acquired
Experience Recent Work Experience (up to 3 most recent entries) Job Title, Company, Start Date – End Date/Present (if current job)
Assessment Recent Assessments (up to 3 most recent entries) Partner Name, Package Name, Score, Band, Percentile
Licenses Recent Certifications (up to 3 most recent entries) Certification Name, Issue Date, Issued By, State/Province Code, Country Name
Work Preferences Work Preferences (candidate responded Y)

Travel Domestically, Travel Internationally, Willing to Relocate, Consider Temporary Assignment, Consider Part Time Work, Flexible To Work