Move Candidates Automatically to HR Phase

At the end of the whole recruiting lifecycle, candidates need to be progressed either manually or automatically into the final HR phase of the candidate selection process.

When you configure a candidate selection process, you can automate the Move to HR action so that job applications are automatically moved to the HR phase once they reach a specific point in the candidate selection process and selected conditions are met. For instance, candidates could be automatically moved forward after the background check.

Before you start

You can add the Move to HR action only on:

  • The Offer - Accepted phase and state.
  • Any non-terminal states of custom phases included between the Offer and HR phases.
  • Phase-level events of custom phases included between the Offer and HR phases.

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    • Offering: Recruiting and Candidate Experience
    • Functional Area: Candidate Job Applications
    • Task: Candidate Selection Process Configuration
  2. On the Candidate Selection Process Configuration page, create a selection process and select an existing draft process.
  3. Add the Move to HR action to Offer - Accepted or to a custom phase between the Offer and HR phases, or any non-terminal state of that phase.
  4. On the Action: Move to HR page, add conditions.
    1. Click Add Predefined to select predefined conditions.
    2. Click Add Fast Formulas to select fast formulas used as conditions.
  5. Click Save and Close.


There might be issues when trying to automatically move candidates forward into the HR phase. When the move is performed manually, recruiters can see if any error occurred. When the move is configured to be automatic, a notification can be sent automatically when the candidate's job application has a problem and falls into the state Error During Processing. This standard notification is available in Alerts Composer:
  • IRC_Move_To_HR_Error: Error During Move to HR

You can configure this notification. For instance, the notification is sent to the recruiters by default but you could add other recipients such as an HR specialist who knows the most about resolving these unusual situations. These tokens are used in the notification to display specific details of each error:

  • OfferErrorMessageText

  • OfferErrorDetailText

Also, you might want to send the user to the quick action called Manage Job Offers, which is available to users with the seeded role of HR Specialist. If this notification is configured to go to a recipient who has the privileges to reach this quick action area, then you can add these tokens:

  • HRJobOfferListDeepLinkURL: This token takes the users to the offers list.

  • HRJobOfferDetailDeepLinkURL: This token takes the user directly to the specific offer that's in error.