eLearning Setup Profile Options for Oracle Learning

To provide learners with appropriate eLearning experiences, configure these profile options. Use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

Profile Option Code Description Default Value

Let learners play remote HACP (HTTP-based AICC/CMI Protocol) content in the learning catalog with the content provider's player instead of the Oracle eLearning player.

Doesn't apply to LinkedIn Learning content imported using the external provider support.

ORA_WLF_ELEARNING_PLAYER_VERSION Identify the version of the Oracle eLearning player to use when learners launch applicable learning catalog content. Change the values only if directed to by Oracle Support. N/A
ORA_WLF_EXT_PROVIDER_SKILLSOFT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT An advanced configuration for the Skillsoft external provider integration. Change it only if directed to by Oracle Support. 36000
ORA_WLF_HACP_ENABLE_429 Handle overly aggressive progress updates sent by remote HACP (HTTP-based AICC/CMI Protocol) applications while learners are progressing through content N/A
ORA_WLF_HACP_SET_CORS_HEADER Add the CORS (cross-origin resource sharing) header to the response for HACP (HTTP-based AICC/CMI Protocol) content. N/A
ORA_WLF_JWPLAYER_VERSION Make sure that learners always use the latest version of JWPlayer. N/A
ORA_WLF_LEARN_ILT_ALLOW_JOIN_CONFERENCE_MINUTES_PRIOR Specify how many minutes before the activity starts to show the Join button. By default, no minutes are specified and the button always shows. N/A
ORA_WLF_OBS_CHCKLST_LRNR_COMPL_NOTIFY Send informational notifications to learners when observers complete their checklist task. N/A

Record SCORM and HACP communications between online content and Oracle Learning for a specific learner. The communication logs are stored on the Oracle Learning server and learning administrators can retrieve the data using an Oracle Business Intelligence Publishing (BI) report.

Set these profile option values at the learner level:

  • Y: Record the communications for any SCORM or HACP content this learner launches in the eLearning player.
  • N: Don't record anything for this learner. This is the default option.
  • Content number, such as OLC1234567: Record communications for only this content when the learner launches it in the eLearning player.

Specify the default setting for Recorded Attempts per SCORM or HACP content item uploaded to Oracle Learning.

  • If the Site level isn't enabled (the default value), the import process creates all new content items with Recorded Attempts set to Unlimited.
  • If the Site level is enabled, the import process creates all new content items with Recorded Attempts set to Single.

Unlimited recorded attempts lets learners redo SCORM and HACP offering activities from the start until they get a passing score. With a single recorded attempt, Learning updates their assignment records to Not Passed if they don't get a passing score on the first try.

WLF_SCORM_AUTO_COMMIT Turn on auto-commit after setting Auto Commit to Default on the SCORM Content Details page. Change the value only if directed to by Oracle Support. Y
WLF_SCORM_COMMIT_INTERVAL_CNT Specify the number of SCORM set value calls before committing the calls. Change the value only if directed to by Oracle Support. 50
WLF_SCORM_COMMIT_INTERVAL_SEC Specify the number of seconds between commitment of SCORM set value calls. Change the value only if directed to by Oracle Support. 60