Learner Alerts for Oracle Learning

Let learning administrators notify learners about new learning assignments, changes to instructor-led activities, learning recommendations, course completion, and learning assignment withdrawals. Use the Alerts Composer tool and the Configure Alerts task. The task is on the My Client Groups > Learning page.

You need to enable the sending of these alerts using the Configure Alerts task on the Learning page. Then learning administrators send them using the Send Alerts to Learners action on the Learning Assignments or offering details page.

New Learning Assignments

The WLF-00010 alert notifies learners of new assignments. This alert contains example expressions to filter assignment, message text with tokens, and communication method expressions that you can change as needed.

Here's what the delivered alert does:

  • Finds all the assignments created since the last time the alert appeared
  • Sets the learner who received the assignment as the recipient
  • Uses tokens to pull in values specific to the learning assignment
  • Uses conditional messages to show certain text depending on whether the assignment is required or voluntary
  • Uses examples for conditional messages based on assignment type and statuses
  • Loops through an offering, in an activity, on a specialization

Offering Definition Has Changed

The WLF-00002 alert notifies learners when a learning administrator changes the details to one of their instructor-led activities. Learning administrators send this alert when they select Actions > Send Alert to Learners on an offering details page.

Here are the valid tokens for this alert:

  • LearningItemName
  • assignmentSubType
  • FirstName
  • LastName
  • LearnerEmail
  • LearningItemType
  • learningItemTypeKey
  • ImageTag
  • AttributedAssigner
  • DueDate
  • notificationUserName
  • LearnerDisplayName
  • AssignmentStartDate
  • LearningItemDescription
  • LearningItemName
  • learningItemLink
  • offeringCoordinatorName
  • offeringCoordinatorEmailAddress
  • offeringCoordinatorPhoneNumber
  • Learning Item FlexFields

    • Offering FlexFields
    • Course FlexFields
    • Spec FlexFields
  • isClassroomChanged -> ClassRooms
  • isVirtualClassRoomUrlChanged -> VirtualClassRoom
  • isDateChanged -> ActivityStartDate,ActivityEndDate
  • ChangeDetails
  • ActivityDetailsTable

Recently Withdrawn Assignments

The WLF-00011 alert notifies learners when a learning administrator withdraws them from learning assignments.