Mass Assign Oracle Learning Using Microsoft Excel or Notepad Files

You can mass assign learning items by creating a person number list using either Microsoft Excel or Notepad.

Microsoft Excel Assignments

  • If you're saving the content as an .xls file, enter all the person numbers in the same field, separated by commas. Here's an example: 0001234, 00005678, 00009123.
  • If you're saving the content as a .csv file, you can enter all the person numbers in the same field, separated by commas. Or you can enter them in separate rows. If you're using separate rows, make sure to add a comma at the end of each number. Also, the separator between rows must be only a carriage return (CR) and not a CRLF. The commas generated when you save the file aren't a replacement for the commas you add.

To retain any leading zeros, format the fields containing person numbers as text.

Notepad Assignments

To create a list of person numbers in Notepad, enter the person numbers and separate each number with a comma. Here's an example: 12345, 543321, 98765.