Oracle Learning Course with Instructor-Led and Self-Paced Offerings, Learners Need Approval for Instructor-Led Enrollments

You have a course with one offering that's instructor-led and another that's self-paced. Self-paced enrollment requests should activate the learning automatically because the offering is free. Instructor-led enrollments should require approval because the offering has a fee for each attendee.

In this example, managers can't enroll their people in either the course or the offerings.

Default access configuration for the course:

Field Value Reason
View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings
Initial Learning Record Status (learner) None Learners can't enroll in the course.
Initial Learning Record Status (manager) None Managers can't enroll their people in the course.

Default access configuration for the instructor-led offering:

Field Value Reason
View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings
Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Requested

Also select Activate enrollment requests automatically after approval.

This override lets learners enroll in the offering, but requires approval before they can start. It also immediately activates the learning after enrollment approval.
Initial Learning Record Status (manager) None Managers can't enroll their people in the course.

Default access configuration for the self-paced offering:

Field Value Reason
View Mode Details View Everyone can see the available course offerings
Initial Learning Record Status (learner) Active Immediately activate learning when learners enroll.
Initial Learning Record Status (manager) None Managers can't enroll their people in the course.