Preactive Statuses for Oracle Learning Assignments

You can track and control people's learning progress with learning assignment statuses. These are the statuses informally categorized as preactive.

Preactive Assignment Status Type of Learning Item Description





The requested learning was submitted for approval.
Pending Active


A learning administrator needs to manually activate the learning assignment before the learner can start the learning activities or get added to the waitlist.

This status can also occur when a learner selects more than one offering for a course enrollment because only one offering can be active at a time.

Pending Fulfillment





A learning administrator needs to add the approved learning to the learning catalog and activate it. If it's already in the catalog, they just need to activate it. Then they need to manually activate the learning assignment.
Pending Payment N/A Not currently used
Waitlisted Offering The learner is on the offering waitlist because enrollment is already at capacity.
Pending Seat Acceptance Offering

The learner can accept or decline an available seat.

  • Accepting a seat also withdraws them from the offering that's already active for the course, if the active offering exists.
  • Declining a seat changes the status to Deleted.

A learning administrator can manually activate or withdraw the learning assignment, or add the learner to the waitlist.

The seat remains blocked until the learner or learning administrator acts, or the offering end date passes.

Pending Prerequisites




The learner needs to achieve the prerequisites in the period specified in the enrollment access controls. They can get added to the waitlist but can't start any offering activities.