What Happens If Multiple Oracle Learning Initiatives Have the Same Learning

How the Reconcile Dynamic Assignments process automatically adds people to and withdraws them from learning initiatives depends on the order of initiative creation. In this example, the learning initiative configurations automatically withdraw learners who no longer meet the initiative criteria.

Chris meets the criteria for the Hospital 1 learning initiative when you first create it, so gets the appropriate learning assignment. Chris transfers to different location 6 months later. Chris no longer meets the criteria for Hospital 1, but does meet it for Hospital 2.

Here's what happens if Hospital 1 was created before Hospital 2 and renewals aren't enabled.

  1. The next reconcile process removes Chris from Hospital 1. If Chris already completed the learning assignment, it remains. If Chris didn't, the reconcile also removes the learning assignment.
  2. It also adds Chris to Hospital 2 and generates the appropriate learning assignment according to the configured assignment conflict rules.

Here's what happens if Hospital 2 was created before Hospital 1 and renewals aren't enabled.

  1. The first reconcile process after Chris's transfer removes Chris from Hospital 1. If Chris already completed the learning assignment, it remains. If Chris didn't, the reconcile also removes the learning assignment.
  2. The next reconcile process doesn't find Chris in Hospital 1 anymore, so adds Chris to Hospital 2. It also generates the appropriate learning assignment according to the configured assignment conflict rules.
Caution: We strongly discourage having multiple initiatives that identify the same set of learners for the same learning item.