How Keyword Search Works When You Explore Careers

You search for careers by keywords on the Explore Careers page.

Keyword Search Attributes

When you use keywords to find careers, the search matches the keywords with these indexed attributes of model profiles:

  • Profile Name

  • Profile Description

  • Job Family

  • Job Function

  • Accomplishments:

    • Accomplishment

  • Licenses and Certifications:

    • License Certification Name

  • Competencies:

    • Competency

  • Education:

    • Degree

    • Major

    • School

  • Honor:

    • Honor or Award

    • Establishment

  • Language:

    • Language

    • Reading (Rating Level Short Description)

    • Speaking (Rating Level Short Description)

    • Writing (Rating Level Short Description)

  • Membership:

    • Affiliation or Professional Body Name

  • Special Projects:

    • Project Name

Keyword Indexing

Keywords are indexed values that are copied from model profile records and organized in a keywords table for fast retrieval. Most changes to model profile records are copied to ensure that the source and indexed values don't differ. An administrator in your organization can run a keyword-refresh process to update all keywords and fix any inconsistencies. Depending on when this process was last run, some recent changes to model profile records might not appear in search results.

To index the keywords that are used to search careers on the Explore Careers Page, you need to run these processes in the order given:

  1. Update Profile Search Keywords

  2. Synchronize Profile Search Keywords Index

  3. Optimize Profile Search Keywords Index

We recommend that you wait until a submitted process runs successfully before submitting the next one.

Note: Index entries aren't created for words included in the Oracle stoplist. For example, you can't search for the IT keyword because it's included in the stoplist. For more information on the default stoplists, see Oracle Text Supplied Stoplists available in the Oracle Help Center.

Career Keyword Search

The Career keyword search is a full-text search. A full-text search looks for whole words rather than sub-strings. So, you need to specify whole words while searching for careers. For example, if you type Tech, the keyword search looks only for the whole word Tech. The results won't include terms such as Technology or Technical.

Also, remember that when you use the keyword search to search careers, there's an implied AND condition between the search criteria. Each search term separated by a space is considered as a separate word. For example, if the search term is Project Lead, the Career keyword search looks for careers that have both words Project and Lead in it.

You can also use these wildcards and Boolean operators in your search terms:

  • %: Use the percent wildcard to represent 0 or more characters.

  • _: Use the underscore wildcard to represent a single character.

  • AND (&): Use the AND Boolean operator when all the conditions separated by the operator must evaluate to TRUE.

  • OR: Use the OR Boolean operator when any one of the conditions separated by the operator needs to evaluate to TRUE.

  • NOT: Use the NOT Boolean operator when the condition after the operator must not be TRUE.

This table shows some examples for the search results that you see when you use different search terms.

Search Term You Enter

Search Results You Might See


Product Manager

Senior Product Manager

You can see all model profiles that have both words Product and Manager in the search results.


No result

The application tries to find an exact match for the search term. As no exact match is found, you don't see any results.


Senior Product Manager

Product Management Director

You can see all model profiles that have a word that begins with Prod followed by one or more characters in the search results.


Senior Product Manager

Product Management Director

You can see all model profiles that have a word that begins with produc_ followed by only one more character in the search results.

Product AND Manager

Senior Product Manager

You can see all model profiles that have both Product and Manager in the search results.

Product OR Manager

Senior Product Manager

Product Management Director

Software Development Manager

You can see all model profiles that have either Product or Manager in the search results.

Product NOT Manager

Product Management Director

You can see all model profiles that have the word Product but not Manager in the search results.