Skill Types

There are two types of required skills that may show in Skills Center.

Required Skills

  • Role skills - Skills specified in the Skills Center content section of the job profile associated with the primary-assignment job you are in. Role skills indicate the skills you must possess for that role.
  • Core skills - Skills assigned to you by a manager you report into at any level in your primary assignment hierarchy. The core skill may be assigned to you by multiple managers and using multiple options (job, direct reports, organization, etc.) in the Team Skills Center.

Core and role skills are automatically added to your profile, and show up in your Skills Center as skills you are required to have alongwith required skill levels if skill levels are specified. When the skill is automaticall added, any of the following could happen.

  • If the skill does not yet exist on your profile, the skill is added as a skill you need to develop. Additionally, if a skill level is specified, it is indicated as a requirement on the skill in your profile.
    • If a required level has been specified and the skill is currently showing on your profile as
      • developed at a level lower than the required level, it is switched to a skill that not yet been acquired, as the requirement for that skill has not yet been satisfied.
      • developed at or above the required level, the skill is left as-is as the requirement for that skill has been satisfied.
    • If no required level has been specified for the skill and the skill exists as developed skill on your profile, it is left as-is as the requirement for that skill has been satisfied.
    • Similarly, If no required level has been specified for the skill and the skill exists on your profile as a skill in development, it is left as-is as the requirement for that skill has not been satisfied.
Required Skill State Required Skill Level Specified Required Skill in Skills Center

Skill already on profile as Developed skill

Current skill level is below required level Converted to a skill that is In Development
Current skill level is at or above required level No change
Skill already on profile as skill In Development Current skill level is below required level No change
Current skill level is at or above required level Converted to a skill that is Developed
Skill not on profile Added as a skill In Development

A requirement for a skill can be contributed to your profile from multiple sources and by multiple managers (for core skills, as the case may be). These multiple contributions are resolved in the following manner:

  • Only one version of the skill requirement is applied to your profile and available in your Skills Center.
  • The highest level required, across all role and core skill requirements specified for the skill, is applied to your profile.
  • If, at some point, the skill ceases to be a required skill, it stays in your profile in its current state and simply ceases to show as a required skill on the profile. It is no longer a role or core skill.

Other Skills

You can add skills you have or are developing of your own accord by accepting system-generated suggestions or by manually entering them. Since these are not required skills, they can be claimed as developed skills and can accrue evidence for confirmation any time.

Interacting with Different Skill Types

Depending on the type of skill you are interacting with, different actions are possible.

  • You cannot voluntarily remove a required (core and/or role) skill from your profile. However, if the skill is not a required skill, you can remove it from your profile.
  • You can self-rate your developing required skills, and continue to accrue evidence on them. If a required level has been specified, these skills will only cut over to developed skills when the required level has been achieved on them. Until then, they will remain as developing skills. If there is no required level specified, however, the developing skills will cut over to developed as soon as they are self-rated or any other evidence is accrued. NOTE: The acquired skill and the skill level do not have to be validated in order to be considered as meeting the required level.
  • If a developed required skill loses any evidence (say, an endorsement is revoked), it will cut over to be a developing skill if it:
    • Loses validation / confirmation at the required level, thereby dropping the achieved level to below the required level, or
    • Is not validated or confirmed at any level, and the achieved level simply drops to below the required level.
  • For developing skills that are not required, that is, other skills, you can claim them as a developed skill any time by simply self-rating or by accruing evidence of a level.