Skill Validation

A validated skill and skill level help establish the credibility of your proficiency within the organization. The system will automatically validate your skill and skill level (for applicable skill levels and system setup) based on the evidence accumulated from the co-worker endorsements and skill development activities.

Validation of skill proficiency is performed by adding credibility scores associated with each type of evidence encountered in the system. The default credibility score for each evidence source is as follows:

Type Evidence Source Description Credibility Score
Co-worker Endorsements Manager Includes all higher-level managers in the supervisory hierarchy 100
Skill Expert Someone who is validated at the highest level for the skill 75
Peer Someone who reports to the same direct manager 25
Public Any other worker in the system 10
Skill Development Activities Learning Item Any learning item that includes this skill as a learning outcome 50
Gigs Any gig that includes this skill 50

As the evidence of your skill accrues and the sum of evidence scores for a skill or skill level has reached 100 points, it’s considered validated. The threshold of 100 points for skill and skill level validation is fixed in the system and can't be changed.

If there are no skill levels in use in the system, when a total credibility score of 100 points is reached for a skill, it’s considered fully validated. If skill levels are enabled for Skills Center, then:

  • A skill level is validated when 100 points are accrued.
  • When a skill level for skill has been validated, any subsequent validations for lower levels are recorded, and only the highest level of achievement is presented to the user.

You can adjust the scores applied to evidence of skill proficiency in the Skills Settings page anytime, so skill validations occur based on your specifications.