How to Create a Rating Model

  1. In the Profiles work area, find the Profile Rating Models task.
  2. On the Profile Rating Models page, click Create.
  3. On the Create Rating Model page, complete the following fields, as shown in the table. Use the default values except where indicated.
    Code Citizenship
    Rating Name Corporate
    Description Rating model for corporate citizenship
  4. On the rating levels tab, complete the following fields, as shown in this table.
Rating Level Name Short Description
1 Demonstrates limited or unused influence. Limited
2 Demonstrates clear evidence of influence. Clear Evidence
3 Provides a successful image of the company as socially responsible in limited environments. Successful Image
4 Actively called upon to use influence as a corporate representative in selective environments. Influential in Selected Environments
5 Demonstrates high level of influence and can operate effectively in all environments. High Level of Influence
  1. Click Save and Close