Set Up Oracle Search Index

You need to configure profile options and run the initial data ingestion process to set up Oracle Search index for VBCS Talent Profile and Model Profile searches pages.

In addition to the profile options related to Oracle Search, create and set the profile option HRT_PROFILE_ORACLE_SEARCH_ENABLED to "Y" for creating the indexes mentioned below. For more details on profile options, see Overview of Profile Options.

The table below provides the details required to run the initial data ingestion process.

Job Name Parameter Name Parameter Value
ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS Index Name to Reingest fa-hcm-personprofile
ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS Index Name to Reingest fa-hcm-modelprofile

For more details on configuring profile options and intial data ingetsion process, see Set Up Oracle Search for HCM.