Examples of Changing Effective Dates of Goal Plan Sets

Depending on your role and security privileges, you can change the dates of goal plan sets for a worker on the Worker Goal Plan Sets page. These scenarios illustrate typical reasons for changing effective dates of the goal plan sets for a worker.

Change Effective Dates of a Goal Plan Set for a Worker

Daniel Grayson, a worker in ABC Corporation, has this goal plan set assigned.

Goal Plan Set

Start Date

End Date

FY2022 Finance-UK

April 01, 2022

March 31, 2023

John Gorman, Daniel's line manager, wants to extend the duration of the goal plan set for Daniel until December 31, 2023. Ellis Gibson is an HR specialist who has security privileges to manage goal plan sets. John asks Ellis Gibson to change the effective end date of the goal plan set to December 31, 2023. Ellis searches for and then selects the FY2022 Finance-UK goal plan set on the Worker Goal Plan Sets page. Ellis then uses the Change Dates option from the Actions menu to change the dates.

Change Effective Dates of Goal Plan Sets After a Worker's Transfer

Sonia Jalla, a worker from the US division of ABC Corporation, has this goal plan set assigned to her.

Goal Plan Set

Start Date

End Date

FY2022 Annual-US

April 01, 2022

March 31, 2023

She is scheduled to transfer to the UK division on October 9, 2022. The workers included in the UK division are automatically assigned the following goal plan set.

Goal Plan Set

Start Date

End Date

FY2022 Annual-UK

April 01, 2022

March 31, 2023

Post transfer, Sonia is eligible for the goal plan set FY2022 Annual-UK. There's a conflict between the end date of the before transfer goal plan set, FY2022 Annual-US, and the start date of the post transfer goal plan set, FY2022 Annual-UK. The application sets the status of the goal plan set FY2022 Annual-UK to pending and sends the notification about the date conflict to Ellis. Ellis uses the Change Dates option from the Actions menu on the Worker Goal Plan Sets page. Ellis changes the start and end date of the goal plan set assignment and assigns both the goal plan sets with the updated effective dates.