How You Create Goal Plans

As an administrator, you create goal plans on the Goal Plans page.

Go to My Client Groups > Goals > Goal Plans to view the Goal Plans page.

Update your person information before you try to create goal plans. Person information determines goal plan security and is used to update attributes such as the person who assigned the goal plan.

Note: The instructions in this topic apply only for regular goal plans and not for primary goal plans. You create a primary goal plan in the Primary Plan section of the Goal Plans page. You can see this section only if the goal plan set feature isn't enabled.

Review Period and Goal Plan Active Dates

You need to associate a review period with a goal plan when creating the goal plan. You also need to specify goal plan start and end dates.

Goal Weights

A goal weight indicates the relative importance of each goal in the goal plan. When creating a goal plan, you can enable entering weights for the goals in the plan. You can further ensure that the sum of all goal weights in the goal plan is 100%. You can assign a weight to each goal included in the goal plan. Managers and workers can later modify the weight for each goal for a goal plan.

Maximum Goals

You might want to restrict the number of goals in the goal plan. To do this, specify a value in the Maximum Goals for This Goal Plan field. If you don’t specify any value, then workers can add an unlimited number of goals to the goal plan.

Note: The restriction doesn't apply when adding organization goals.

After you specify the maximum number of goals in a goal plan, you can also impose other restrictions using these settings:

  • Enforce maximum goals: Use this to prevent managers and HR specialists from assigning any goals when the goal plan has the maximum number of goals.
  • Allow private goals to exceed maximum goal limit: Use this when private goals are enabled to allow employees to add private goals to the goal plan even when the goal plan has the maximum number of goals.
    Note: The Allow private goals to exceed maximum goal limit check box is disabled if your administrator hasn’t enabled private goals for your organization using Transaction Design Studio (TDS).

Employees Who Can Update Goals

Select one of these options to indicate who can update the goals in the goal plan:

  • Only the HR specialist

  • HR specialist and manager

  • HR specialist, manager, and worker

You can also indicate what actions managers and workers can perform on goals assigned by the HR specialist.

Permissible Actions for Workers and Managers on Assigned Goals

You can determine if managers and employees can cancel or delete goals that have been assigned by HR specialists. You can allow managers and employees to do one of these actions on goals assigned by an HR specialist:

  • Only cancel

  • Only delete

  • Both cancel and delete

Performance Document Types

Select document types to associate with the goal plan. Goals from the goal plan are included in performance documents that use the selected document types and have the same review period.

You can associate a performance document type with a goal plan only if these conditions are true:

  • The From Date of the performance document type needs to be the same as or before the start date of the goal plan. For example, if the start date of the goal plan is April 15, 2022, then the From Date of the performance document type must be April 15, 2022 or earlier, such as January 1, 2022.

  • The To Date of the performance document type needs to be the same as or later than the end date of the goal plan. For example, if the end date of the goal plan is December 30, 2022, then the To Date of the performance document type must be December 30, 2022 or later, such as January 15, 2023.

  • The status of the performance document type needs to be Active.

    Note: After a performance document type is used by a performance template or a goal plan, you can't set it to Inactive.

Add Goals

You can create goals or select goals from a goal library and add them to the goal plan. Goals added to the plan are assigned to the people to whom the plan is assigned.

Workers to Assign

You can add eligibility profiles to goal plans to assign goals included in the plan to individuals who meet the criteria of all profiles that you indicate are required profiles. You can restrict goals to workers who meet eligibility requirements by job, job role, location, age, or other criteria. For example, you can add a location eligibility profile to a goal plan if you want to restrict goals to individuals who are located in a certain place. You can further refine eligibility by adding length of service criteria to restrict workers by location and length of service.

In the Included Workers section, you can select the employees for assigning goals in the goal plan. After selecting the employee, you can assign the goals to any of these people:

  • Only the selected employee

  • Only people who directly report to the selected employee

  • All people who report to the selected employee

  • Only the selected employee and the people who directly report to the selected employee

  • The selected employee and all the people who report to the selected employee

In the Excluded Workers section, you can select the employees who won't be assigned the goals in the goal plan.

Note: HR specialists can select any employee in the organization for goal assignment or exclusion even if they don't have access to the employee.