How You Manage Feedback Requests of Performance Goals

As HR specialists, you can manage feedback requests of performance goals.

You need to have the Administer Requested Feedback aggregate privilege to manage feedback requests. You manage feedback requests in these ways:

  • Raise feedback revision requests.

  • Delete feedback requests.

Raise Feedback Revision Requests

You can ask people who already provided feedback to revise their feedback. The person who submitted the request for feedback and the person who you're asking to revise the feedback will receive a notification about the revision request.

To send a feedback revision request:

  1. Go to the feedback request row on the Feedback page of the person.

  2. From the Actions menu, select Revise.

  3. On the Revise Performance Goal Feedback page, optionally enter a message and submit the feedback revision request.

Delete Feedback Requests

You can delete the feedback request for the goal of any person you have access to regardless of the status of the feedback request. You can delete the feedback request in these ways:

  • Go to the Feedback page of the person and use the Delete action of the feedback request.

  • Open the goal page, and in the Feedback section use the Delete action of the feedback request.