View Participant Feedback

You can view participant feedback when the feedback is in Completed status.

Follow these steps to view participant feedback:
  1. Go to the Manage Participant Feedback page to view the list of participants.
  2. Click the View Feedback button next to the participant's name.
    Note: Scroll down to view the Participant Requirement section. Expand it to see the overall status of the participant roles who responded and to know if they're mandatory.
  3. Click the View button in the Evaluation Topics section to see the participant feedback provided for overall summary, goals, competencies, or questionnaires.
  4. To print all or selected sections of the participant feedback to a PDF or HTML format, click Print on the page header.
    You can also view the participants' ratings and comments by opening a performance document. In any section of the performance document that participants have evaluated, click the Show Additional Info link under an item or the summary to view these details. Here, you also see the average feedback rating of all the participants who provided ratings. The number in brackets is the number of participants who provided ratings, and not those who provided comments, but no ratings.