Considerations for Using Performance Template Section Calculation Rules

To use calculated ratings, you must select the type of calculation rules to use for rating Profile Content, Performance Goals, Development Goals, and Overall Summary performance template sections.

You can change the calculation rule for the section selected in the performance template where the section is used. The options are:

  • Average

  • Sum

  • Band

  • Fast Formula

Each of these settings has a default mapping metric to help determine the final numeric level to assign to the rating. However, you can change the mapping metric from the default to another. The mapping metric options are:

  • Numeric rating

  • Points range

To use numeric ratings, the rating model configured to rate the section and items in the section must have the numeric rating attributes defined for the rating levels. To use the points range, the rating model must have defined review points as well as point ranges (from points and to points).

Average Method

To use this method, the rating models associated with the section and its content items must define numeric ratings that correspond to the rating descriptions. The application first calculates the average of the item ratings to determine the section rating. Then the application calculates the average of the section ratings to determine the overall rating. The application uses the numeric ratings to calculate a weighted average if weights are configured to be used; otherwise, it calculates a straight average. It then converts this average back to a performance document rating, using the rating model.

For the points range mapping metric, the application:

  • Calculates the total numeric score using the numeric ratings defined in the rating model

  • Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to the points range

Sum Method

To use this method, the rating models associated with the section and the items in the section must also use numeric ratings. The application:

  • Uses the numeric ratings as defined in the rating model

  • Calculates the total numeric score

  • Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to a rating level

  • Ignores items without ratings

When using the sum method for the overall rating, section rating calculation rules can be sum or average only.

For points range metric mapping, the application:

  • Uses the numeric ratings as defined in the rating model

  • Calculates the total numeric score

  • Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to the points range

  • Ignores items without ratings

Band Method

This method is similar to the sum method, but is available only for the Overall Summary section of a performance document. The Profile Content, Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections, however, use the average or sum method. To use the band method, the rating model that is associated with the Overall Summary section must define review points as well as point ranges (from points and to points).

During the calculation process, the application:

  • Calculates the total numeric score across all sections

  • Maps this total into the equivalent rating level using the points range

For numeric rating metric mapping, the application:

  • Calculates the total numeric score across all sections

  • Converts this total into the corresponding review rating for the section by mapping the total numeric score to a rating level

Fast Formula Method

Fast formulas are formulas you create from Performance database items. By default, these use numeric ratings metric mapping. For numeric ratings, the application:

  • Calculates the total numeric score based on the fast formula

  • Maps the score to the rating level

For the points range mapping metric, the application:

  • Calculates the total numeric score based on the fast formula

  • Maps this total into the equivalent rating level using the points range

You can't configure weights to be applied to the results of a fast formula. However, you can build weights into the fast formula.