Eligibility Batch Process Parameters for Performance Documents and Check-In Templates

This table lists the parameters available to select for the eligibility batch process for performance documents and check-in templates.



Effective as of Date

This is a mandatory parameter. It determines when a worker population is eligible for performance documents and check-in templates. If you set a future date, documents can only be created for eligible employees from that date.

For scheduled processes, select Current Date to use the system date every time the process runs.

Review Period

This is a mandatory parameter. Using this, you can find a performance document or check-in template that matches the selected review period.

By default, this displays the latest review period, but you can change it to find the performance document or check-in template that you want to process.

Note: If a check-in template is associated with multiple review periods, the eligibility for the check-in template is the same regardless of which review period is selected.

Performance Document Name

This is a mandatory parameter when the batch process type is to assign performance documents. Select the name of the performance document that you want to process.

Check-In Template Name This is a mandatory parameter when the batch process type is to assign check-in templates. Select the name of the check-in template that you want to process.

Create Eligible Performance Document

If you select this, the application automatically creates performance documents for each eligible employee.

This field only applies when running the eligibility process for performance documents:

The Maximum Number of Concurrent Threads for Performance Document Creation option lets you process multiple performance documents at the same time depending on the number of threads allowed. The more threads allowed, the quicker the process will run but this in turn could affect system resources being used for other processes. By default, 8 is recommended. When configuring this option, you should consider the impact on resources.

Purge Historic Performance Management Eligibility Status Data

Choose whether to permanently delete the results of historic performance eligibility batch processes to improve system performance.

Purge Data Older Than

Purge any results data older than the specified date.