Guidelines for Associating Eligibility Profiles with Performance Templates

Add eligibility profiles to a performance template to associate the profiles with the performance documents created from the template. This lets you restrict access to the performance documents.

When associating eligibility profiles to performance templates, you need to make these decisions:

  • Do I need to use eligibility profiles?

  • Should I add eligibility profiles at the template-level or period-level?

  • Should I mark eligibility profiles as required?

  • Can I add or remove eligibility profiles when the template is in use?

To manage performance templates, use the Performance Templates task. Search for and select this task in the Setup and Maintenance work area or go to My Client Groups > Performance.

Use Eligibility Profiles

Add eligibility profiles to performance templates to target performance documents to a specific population of employees. This enables you to create multiple performance documents that are appropriate for specific review purposes. For example, you can add an eligibility profile to performance documents that are appropriate for the Sales team, and another for the Information Technology department.

Add Eligibility Profiles to the Template General Tab and the Document Periods

You can add existing eligibility profiles to either, or both, the performance template on the General tab and the document periods on the Document Periods tab. You can add as many profiles as required to either the General tab or document periods.

Eligibility profiles you add to the General tab are inherited by the document periods when periods are added to the template. You can add, remove, or change the eligibility profiles for the document periods, and change the required status as well. The eligibility profiles associated with a document period are used to determine eligibility for documents created for that period.

Mark Eligibility Profiles as Required

You can specify whether or not an eligibility profile is required.

If eligibility profiles are required for the document period, employees must satisfy all required profiles and at least one that isn't required, if any are added, to be eligible for the performance document.

When you add only eligibility profiles that aren't required to the document period, employees must satisfy the criteria for at least one of them to be eligible for the performance document.

Add or Remove Eligibility Profiles when the Template is in Use

You can add or remove eligibility profiles from a template or document period even if the template or period is in use. But remember that when you add an eligibility profile to a template, any previously-existing periods don't inherit the new eligibility profile.