How You Use Fast Formulas in Performance Documents

You can configure fast formulas to calculate section ratings for workers in a performance document.

Fast Formulas and Database Items

Fast formulas contain the items and rules used to calculate the section rating, and can be based on ratings provided on the items by workers, managers, and participants. You create the fast formulas using the Performance Rating Calculation type. To the fast formula you add Database Items (DBI). These items can calculate ratings on attributes besides the overall item rating. For example, you can use DBIs to rate other attributes on a goal, such as the measurement attributes, rather than the overall goal. You create fast formulas using the Manage Fast Formulas task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

For more information, see the Complete List of HRA Database Items for Calculated Ratings (Doc ID 2444793.1) on My Oracle Support at

Calculated Rating Setup in the Performance Template Section and Performance Template

You configure the sections of the performance document to use fast formulas. Fast formulas can calculate ratings for the Overall Summary, Profile Content (Competencies), Performance Goals, and Development Goals sections. You can set up any, or all, these sections in a performance document to calculate ratings.

In the section, you must select the fast formula calculation rule. In addition, you select the fast formula rule. To use calculated ratings, you must also select the option to use calculated ratings on the Process tab of the performance template. You also must select which roles can see calculated ratings.