Options for Updating In Use Performance Templates

You can edit performance templates that are already in use to change the attributes of the templates. To edit an existing template, use the Performance Templates task.

Search for and select this task in the Setup and Maintenance work area or go to My Client Groups > Performance.

Attributes You Can Edit on the Process Tab

On the Process tab, you can update these attributes of an in-use performance template:

  • In the Alerts section, the number of days before a task due date alert is sent for both standard and critical alerts

  • In the Rating Calculations section, if the Calculate ratings option is already enabled, these check boxes:

    • Display calculated ratings to worker

    • Display calculated ratings to participants

    • Display calculated ratings to manager

    • Display calculated ratings to matrix manager

  • In the Processing Options section, these check boxes:

    • Display star ratings

    • Display Check-Ins

    • Display Feedback Notes

    • Display Requested Feedback

  • In the Participant Options section, these check boxes:

    • Employee can assign participant roles that can view worker and manager evaluations

    • Manager can assign participant roles that can view worker and manager evaluations

Attributes You Can Edit on the Structure tab

On the Structure tab, you can update these attributes:

  • The sequence number of the sections

  • In the Performance Goals section, you can select or deselect the Allow update goals action to update goal weights from goal management business process option, if the Populate with Worker Performance Goals option is already enabled

  • In the Performance Goals, Development Goals, and Competencies sections, you can update these options in the Processing by Role sub-section:

    • Item Ratings

    • Item Comments

    • Section Ratings

    • Section Comments

    • Share Ratings

    • Share Comments

    • View Participant Names

    • View Participant Roles

  • In the Overall Summary section, you can update these options in the Processing by Role sub-section:

    • Section Ratings

    • Section Comments

    • Share Ratings

    • Share Comments

    • View Participant Names

    • View Participant Roles

  • In the Manager Final Feedback section, you can update these options in the Processing by Role sub-section for the Manager role:

    • Section Comments

    • Share Comments

  • In the Worker Final Feedback section, you can update these options in the Processing by Role sub-section for the Worker role:

    • Section Comments

    • Share Comments

  • In the Questionnaire section, you can update these options in the Processing by Role sub-section:

    • View Manager Questionnaire

    • View Worker Questionnaire

    • View Participant Questionnaires

    • View Participant Names

    • View Participant Roles

Attributes You Can Edit on the Document Periods Tab

On the Document Periods tab, you can add or remove these attributes:

  • Document Periods

  • Eligibility profiles

  • Questionnaires for the period

You can also change the due dates for the tasks.

Automatic Updating of Performance Documents

When you save the updated performance template, a dialog box appears enabling you to review the changes. When you click OK, a process job starts automatically to update the template and all performance documents created from the template. The changes appear when a performance document is opened. If there is already a process job running for the template, you must wait until it completes before submitting it again.

Note that if you change the due dates, existing performance documents that were earlier created based on the edited template aren't affected. HR specialists need to manually update the due dates in the existing performance documents. The changed due dates apply only to the performance documents that are created after the template is edited.