Campaign Duration

You can select whether you want to create a campaign that runs one-time only, or runs for a specific duration.

When you create a campaign, you can set the campaign duration:
  • One-time campaign starts on a set date, and includes eligible candidates who were in your database on the day the campaign began.
  • An ongoing campaign starts on a set date, and includes eligible candidates who were in your database on the day the campaign began, but also dynamically adds new candidates who either join or become eligible during a set campaign period. They don't have to be in your database on the day the campaign begins, or they might already be in your database, but not become eligible for the campaign until after it begins (for example, they move to a new city, update their information, and your campaign targets that city).

When you schedule the emails for an ongoing campaign, a message displays to remind you that the audience for the campaign is recalculated daily to identify newly eligible recipients up to the send date. What this means is on the first day of the campaign, the primary email is sent to current candidates in the database who meet the criteria for the campaign. The next day, the primary email is sent only to people who became eligible that day based on the campaign criteria. For example, perhaps a campaign targets candidates who live in New York and is initially sent on November 1. On November 2, three new people in New York sign up. The primary email only goes to those three people.

You delay sending follow-up emails by number of days (rather than by calendar date as is the case with one-time campaigns). For example, you might want a follow-up email sent 7 days after a candidate receives the primary email. This means no matter what date a candidate receives the primary email, they will receive the follow-up email 7 days later. When the primary email has reached the send until date, and all follow-up emails are sent, the campaign is automatically updated to the Completed status. Follow-up emails can still be created and when those emails are scheduled the campaign automatically updates to the In Progress status again.