Complex Job Offers: How They're Processed

Complex job offer refers to the way that the HR specialist will process the job offer. If a candidate with a complicated or dynamically changing job situation accepts a job offer, the HR specialist will need to take additional steps to complete the job application lifecycle, compared to other candidates in more straightforward situations.

Situations Requiring Complex Processing

The following examples describe hiring situations that require more complexity in transforming the offer into the final assignment for the candidate.

  • An internal candidate currently holding more than one job receives a job offer. You need to know whether this offer is intended as a new assignment (for example, a third job) or whether it will replace one of the worker's current jobs.

  • An external candidate having no history with the company receives a job offer, or an ex-worker is offered a job as a rehire. However, while the offer was getting created or approved, the candidate also got hired for another job at the company, with a start date earlier than this offer's proposed start date. As a result, you'll need to process this offer for the candidate as a second job for a current worker, rather than a new job or a rehire.

  • An internal candidate was offered a job that was to be treated as a routine transfer. However, by the time you're ready to process this offer, the worker has announced their intention to leave the company before this offer's start date. If the job offer will still proceed, you'll have to handle it manually as a rehire.

You'll know that a given candidate requires complex processing by the message that appears when you start processing their job application from the HR - Pending Manual Processing status. In addition to confirming that you want to take the selected action, the message also states that you'll have to manually enter the data, then update the state.

Job Offer Processing

Offers for workers in these complex situations require HR specialists to process them differently than more straightforward internal candidates. Processing is different in the following ways:

  • Instead of launching the guided flow which was selected when the offer was drafted, you must examine the current situation of the offer recipient and then decide whether to launch that action or a different action.

  • Instead of seeing the values from the agreed-upon job offer being prepopulated into the relevant fields of the selected guided flow, you must manually enter the proper value into each field in the new record.

  • Instead of the job application status getting automatically updated after the new assignment is submitted and approved, you must move its status to HR - Processed.

The steps to process these complex offers are as follows:

  • When a complex job offer is moved to the HR phase after the candidate accepted it, the offer appears in the status HR - Pending Manual Processing on your Job Offers list, available from the Manage Job Offers quick action. Its prior status might have been HR - Pending Automated Processing, but it will soon be changed to HR - Pending Manual Processing based on the Complete the Recruiting Process scheduled process.

  • First, select the action that was chosen while the offer was drafted. When you confirm your intention to process the candidate, their job application status reflects this by changing automatically from HR - Pending Manual Processing to HR - Processing in Progress. The new status HR - Processing in Progress indicates that you're about to create the candidate's new assignment based on this offer, even though you're just starting to process it at that moment.

  • Performing the selected HR action brings you to view the candidate's Employment Info page, not directly into the guided flow to perform this action. On this page you can review this candidate's current, earlier, and future work relationships and assignments. You can then decide to perform the HR action which was originally selected, or any appropriate HR action, depending on how the candidate's current information compares with the job offer.

  • Within the guided flow for that action, you must manually enter all relevant information from the job offer into the fields of the HR action page you selected. Unlike other types of job offer processing, the field values aren't populated already with the agreed-upon values from the offer's assignment, salary, compensation, or other sections. So you should be careful about information that was already viewed and understood in the job offer while you copy each field's value into the HR flow sections. Then you must submit the HR action.

  • After you submit that new assignment, these complex candidates remain visible on the list in status HR - Processing in Progress. They won't automatically change to status HR - Processed, even after that assignment gets manually created, approved if necessary, and committed to HR. You must use the action Move to Processed to change their status to HR - Processed.

  • Complex job offers that have been moved into the status HR - Processed remain on the Job Offers list, but no further action is required. This is the final successful state in the entire recruiting process.

  • The new status HR - Processed is also reflected in the job application in the Hiring work area, indicating to Recruiting users that the overall candidate lifecycle is complete.

Note: The actions Quick Process Offer and Change Start Date aren't supported for these complex scenarios.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do if the assignment was created in Core HR instead of the Manage Job Offers quick action and the job offer is stuck in the status Processing in Progress?

  1. In My Client Groups > Quick Actions > Employment, click Manage Job Offers.
  2. Find a job offer in status Processing in Progress.
  3. Click the Actions menu and select the Return to Manual Processing action.
  4. Open the job offer and in the Actions menu, click the action for which the job offer was raised. A read-only Employment Info page opens.
  5. Go back to the Manage Job Offers page.
  6. Find the job offer, click the Actions menu and select the action you want to do as per your business need: Move to Processed or Withdraw Candidate. .

Can I update the status of a candidate who was manually hired and processed into HR?

If it wasn't a complex hire and the candidate was hired manually, you can use the Withdrawn by Candidate or the Rejected by Employer action.