Create Job Offers by Copying Another Candidate's Offer

You can quickly create job offers for one or more external candidates by copying another candidate's offer within that same requisition.

If you have the privilege Copy Job Offer (IRC_COPY_JOB_OFFER), you can go into any job requisition, select one or multiple external candidates who don’t yet have a job offer, and select the Copy Offer action.

Note: The only person types you can select are external candidates, including new hires and rehires. Current employees and current contingent workers usually need more tailored job offers, so these internal workers can’t be selected to receive a copied offer from a prior external candidate’s offer. If you do select these current employees or contingent workers, they will be omitted from the list of people intended to receive a copy of the selected offer.

On the Copy Offer page, you select an external candidate on this requisition who has a job offer in any state. When you select the person’s offer to copy, you can see its current state, so you can be sure to select an offer that’s in a state that you want, for instance one that’s in the state Approved, Accepted, or HR - Processed. You can select an offer to copy even if it’s in the state of Draft, Approval Rejected, or Rejected by Candidate. An offer that was approved but rejected by one candidate might be perfectly acceptable to other candidates. All of the content and attachments on their offer will be copied to create new job offers for the other selected candidates. It’s preferable to select a recent offer because it contains active values. Older offers on this requisition may no longer be selectable, or if they have values that aren’t current anymore then the copying will be unsuccessful.

Before you submit the Copy Offer action, you can decide what should happen next for all of the new offers that get successfully drafted.

  • You can submit new offers for approval. If you select this default option, all the newly-created offers will be immediately submitted directly into the approval cycle. They will move from the phase and state in which they started, into the status Offer - Pending Approval. This option is helpful to reduce clicks, if you won't need to edit each newly-created offer before sending it to any approvers.
  • You can leave the new offers in the Draft state to edit them. If you select this option, all the newly-created offers will remain editable in case any changes need to be made to each one. They will move from the phase and state in which they started, into the status Offer - Draft. This is helpful for using the original offer as a starting point, if you know that each individual candidate will need to be adjusted.

What Happens After Submitting the Batch Copy Offer Process

When you submit the Copy Offer action, here's what can happen:

  • If the batch copy offer process is successful, all of the offer content and attachments on the offer are copied to create job offers for the selected candidates.
  • If there are warnings, the new offers still get copied.
  • If there are errors, the batch copy offer process stops.

The table presents possible warnings and errors that can occur during the batch copy offer process.

Warning or Error Scenario

The original offer letter was adjusted to include specific info about the candidate. You'll see a warning message asking you to update each new candidate's offer letter after it gets copied. Copies will then be created.

Error The recruiter or hiring manager on the original offer is no longer working for the company. The batch copy offer process can't proceed. You'll see an error message asking you to select a different candidate's offer to be copied.
Error The original offer has no salary amount or no offer letter, or the job requisition doesn't have enough openings left to accommodate all of the candidates selected and you don't have the privilege Communicate Job Offer Ignoring Number of Openings (IRC_COMMUNICATE_JOB_OFFER_IGNORING_NUMBER_OF_OPENINGS).

In case of any failure, the selected candidates will likely have a partially-created offer but you'll have to check the Errors section for each candidate's offer to see which regions' fields were unable to be copied. For example:

  • The Assignment section may not be filled out for all the new candidates if the original offer's assignment had a location or grade that's currently inactive.
  • The Other Compensation section may be empty for all the new candidates if they don't satisfy the eligibility profile or element eligibility for the original offer's Individual Compensation Plan.

These incomplete new offers will remain in the status Offer - Draft so that the missing values can be manually provided as needed, even if the option selected when copying the offer was Submit new offers for approval. When each offer is edited to be complete, you can submit them individually for approval.

As soon as the batch copy offer process is finished, you may receive a notification if this was configured by your administrator. The notification indicates the number of offers that were successfully copied as well as the number of offers that failed, were skipped, or canceled.

Copied Offers Move Forward in the Lifecycle

Depending on your administrator's configuration, all the job applications with copied offers can be automatically moved forward quickly through various points in the candidate selection process. Offer approval can be bypassed and other moves through the lifecycle can be automated, if desired. Or if these quick configurations aren't implemented, these copied job offers will act like all other job applications which your users individually approve, extend, and move into the HR phase when each candidate is ready.