Edit the Locations of a Job Requisition with Job Applications

You can modify the primary location and the other locations of job requisitions that you can no longer redraft because they have job applications, prospects, or linked requisitions.

For example, you want to modify posting locations to reach out to candidates in more locations. Or you forgot to include a location or included an incorrect one.

All operations that consider the locations of a job requisition will immediately consider the latest posting locations of the requisition. For example, the requisition is posted or unposted from contextualized career sites based on the latest posting locations.

When you change the posting locations of a job requisition, it won’t update other requisition values that are contextualized such as the candidate selection process or prescreening questions. These values may not be aligned with the new posting locations.

When you change the locations of a posted job requisition, it may cause a temporary mismatch of information until the Maintain Candidates and Job Requisitions for Search scheduled process is run to update the search index. Everything relying on the index will be outdated until the process is run. For example, a candidate looking at jobs on a career site may notice a mismatch between the locations displayed in the job details of a job and the location facets for which this job is returned.

Before you start

You need these privileges:
  • Update Job Requisition (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION)
  • Update Job Requisition Posting Locations (IRC_UPDATE_JOB_REQUISITION_POSTING_LOCATIONS)

Here's what to do

  1. On the Job Requisitions page, click on a job requisition.
  2. In the Requisition Structure section, click Edit.
  3. Add, remove, or change the existing primary location and other locations as needed.
  4. Click Save.