External Job Offers: How They're Processed

An external job offer refers to the offer extended to a candidate who has no current work relationship with the organization. The candidate may have no previous work relationship (new hire) or a previous work relationship (rehire).

After the new hire or rehire gets moved to the HR phase, a pending worker or pending work relationship is automatically created based on the offer details. The values in the pending work relationship are copied directly from the candidate's approved and accepted job offer. This pending worker or pending work relationship is displayed in the Pending Workers quick action, in My Client Groups. After the external candidate becomes a pending worker, their job application isn't yet complete, it's in the status HR - Processing in Progress. After that pending worker gets converted to a worker, then the candidate's recruiting lifecycle is successfully completed. The new status of the job application becomes HR - Processed and is displayed to recruiters in the job application, and to HR specialists on the list that they access using the quick action called Manager Job Offers.

Job Offer Processing

The following points describe how you as an HR specialist process external job offers as soon as they have been moved to HR.

  • External job offers usually appear on your Job Offers list initially in status HR - Pending Automated Processing. Then, without any action needed from users, they go into HR - Processing in Progress. This is because usually a pending worker or pending work relationship has automatically been created, which is the appropriate next step for a new hire or a rehire. No action is required on the Job Offers list. This status change is based on the scheduled process Complete Recruiting Process.

  • When you convert the pending worker or work relationship into a worker, and this transaction is submitted and approved, the offer status automatically changes to HR - Processed. This status change is also based on the scheduled process Complete Recruiting Process.

  • The new status HR - Processed is also reflected in the job application in the Hiring work area, indicating to Recruiting users that the overall candidate lifecycle is complete.

  • External candidates who reach the status HR - Processed remain on your Job Offers list, but no further action is required. This is the final successful state in the entire recruiting process.

Exceptions in Job Offer Processing

One exception to the above series of steps to process external candidates is if there's some error in creating the pending worker or pending work relationship automatically. The error may be due to a recently inactivated work location, for instance, or the associated position suddenly being frozen or filled. Or the error may be due to finding a possible duplicate of the new candidate. In any of these situations, the job offer lands in status HR - Error During Processing, and the errors are displayed in the message banner and the Error section.

After you fix the situation that caused the error, or if you decide to disregard the potential duplicate records, you can try to perform the action again. If the Process Now action appears, you can use it to create the pending worker as originally intended. If the Add Pending Worker action appears, you can use it to enter the guided process Create Pending Worker or Create Pending Work Relationship with the offer's values prefilled. Here you must change any field or resolve any issue that was preventing the pending worker from being created. You must visit every section to ensure that the field values that were promised in the offer get copied into the new assignment. Then submit this information to create the pending worker or pending work relationship. When this succeeds, the status changes to HR - Processing in Progress.

There is usually no need to take any action on the external candidate who has reached the status HR - Processing in Progress. The action Return to Manual Processing is available on the HR specialist's menu, but instead the candidate is expected to proceed automatically into the status HR - Processed. After the corresponding worker is created by converting the pending worker, the status change occurs based on the scheduled process Complete the Recruiting Process.

As an HR specialist, you only need to use the action Return to Manual Processing on external candidates after an attempt to manually create a pending worker was interrupted, and you need to make another attempt. This rare situation can arise as follows:

  1. The candidate has been moved into the HR phase.

  2. Some error occurred and they go into status HR - Error During Processing.

  3. The HR specialist performed the action Add Pending Worker, which changed the candidate's status to HR - Processing in Progress.

  4. The user landed on the HR guided process where the offer values are prefilled in the pending worker's fields.

  5. The HR specialist was unable to submit the flow Add Pending Worker, due to lack of time for instance, so they canceled it.

  6. Now the candidate's offer is no longer getting recreated as a pending worker, though the status is still HR - Processing in Progress. And there is no way for the HR specialist to continue where they stopped in creating the pending worker based on the offer's values.

  7. Now you must use the action Return to Manual Processing to restart creating a pending worker. This action changes the candidate's status from HR - Processing in Progress to HR - Pending Manual Processing.

  8. In status HR - Pending Manual Processing, you will again see the action Add Pending Worker.

  9. You must perform the action Add Pending Worker, which again changes the candidate's status to HR - Processing in Progress.

  10. You will land on the HR guided process where the offer values are prefilled in the pending worker's fields, and you can proceed from this point.

Other rare exceptions to the above series of steps are when the candidate's situation changes after their candidate's offer was drafted.

Resulting Actions

When the pending worker is created successfully, then after the standard Convert process, the candidate will be ready to become a worker on the projected start date. On the start date:

  • You can view the person's resume in the Talent Profile.

  • You can view the job offer letter in the person's Document Records.

  • You can view the job application's cover letter and social media attachments in the person's Document Records.

  • The person is no longer considered as an external candidate for the purposes of recruiting and job searching.

  • The person can view and apply for jobs that are posted for internal candidates.

  • The person's job application Talent Profile data appears in their Skills and Qualifications (Me > Career and Performance > Skills and Qualifications).