Link a Job Requisition to a Pipeline Requisition

You can link an existing standard job requisition to a pipeline requisition.

You can use the Link to Pipeline Requisition action available on the Job Requisitions page and requisition details page. You can also use the Link Existing Requisition action in the pipeline requisition.

Before you start

You need the privilege Associate Job Requisition to Pipeline Requisition (IRC_ASSOCIATE_JOB_REQUISITION_TO_PIPELINE_REQUISITION).

Here's what to do

  1. On the Job Requisitions page, use the Pipeline criteria in the Requisition Type filter to easily locate the pipeline requisition.
  2. Open a pipeline requisition.
  3. In the Linked Requisitions section, click Add then select Link Existing Requisition.
  4. Select one or more standard requisitions.
  5. Click Save and Close.


The requisition is added to the Linked Requisitions section. In that section, requisitions are sorted by Creation Date - New to Old. You can use the filter to display all linked requisitions or just the active ones.